South Carolina's domestic violence laws are used as a weapon against parents. Once government agencies think you're guilty, they seem to be able to use every tool they have to make your life difficult, provoke you, and take away your rights. Are South Carolina's domestic violence courts a way for government officials to avoid their responsibility to ensure the constitutionally protected rights of the accused and treat them as guilty until proven innocent? Are domestic violence laws, combined with the principles of “opportunity and access,” allowing innocent Americans to be abused by a domestic violence court system that colludes with law enforcement?
Brian Baberg has had his firearms confiscated but has never been convicted. Brian has been arrested and charged three times in the past four years but has never been convicted. He also claims he was denied his right to a speedy trial and then a jury trial. In fact, all assault charges against him have been dismissed or expunged.
“But the police used the dismissed case to justify treating Brian as armed and dangerous, serving a warrant for “misdemeanor harassment,” and then using a SWAT team to storm Brian's living room with flash bangs, spray tear gas, kick in his door, and seize his firearms. The details of this case are sickening. Not only was Brian denied his right as a father to see his son, but his phone calls, texts, and even a drive by his home where he spoke to his child, begging and pleading to see him, were all used to generate the police report necessary to justify the harassment charges, the restraining order, and subsequent arrest by the SWAT team.
Are the same tools that federal law enforcement has been misusing to label Americans and use enhanced interdiction techniques being used by governments at the local, county, tribal and state levels using domestic violence laws? Are political domestic violence extremists with no ties to foreign terrorism, family domestic violence suspects, and domestic terrorists with ties to foreign terrorist organizations being conflated and the same interdiction and investigative tools being used on all?