If the three-ring circus of the impending presidential election proves anything, it is that a deep state conspiracy to destabilize the nation is at work.
The danger is real.
Americans, caught up in the highly dramatized election showdown between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, have become oblivious to the ways in which the government routinely interferes with our freedoms. There is.
Particularly disturbing is that people on both sides have allowed themselves to be gaslighted by both Trump and Harris on the important issues of the day, and that if they are portrayed in a negative light by their opponents, they want to hear what they want to hear. It is choosing to selectively listen to only those things.
This is true whether we're talking about immigration and border control, health care, national security, the country's endless wars, protecting free speech, or militarizing the U.S. government.
First of all, there is the double standard of free speech. This is what my friend Nat Hentoff called the “free speech for me, but not for you” phenomenon: First Amendment protections that we agree with. It only applies to people who have the potential.
Despite Harris claiming to be a champion of the rule of law (in our case, the U.S. Constitution), she has not been active in cracking down on so-called “hate” speech. In this respect, Harris is not the same as those on both the right and left who continue to express disgust at unregulated free speech online, especially speech with which they disagree.
And while Trump has never supported free speech protections for his critics, he especially wants to defeat the “radical left lunatics” whom the military has called “the enemy from within.” I have loudly advocated this.
If it were just an obstruction to free speech activities, it would be sufficiently worrying.
However, this coincides with the Department of Defense's recent reissue of Directive 5240.01, which authorizes law enforcement agencies to assist law enforcement in the following situations: President Trump's eagerness to take advantage should set off alarm bells. Conflict between civilian law enforcement and civilian individuals or entities is reasonably expected. ”
This is what martial law looks like, an armed government that relies on the military to enforce its authority, and is exactly what America's founders feared, and it is what they believe would lead to the rule of law, the U.S. Constitution. This is the reason why we chose a republic where we are restricted.
In response to concerns that the military would be used to police the country, Congress passed the Posse Posse Act in 1878, allowing the government to make arrests, searches, seize evidence, and conduct other activities normally handled by the government. It was made a crime to use the military to civilian police.
The increasing militarization of police forces, the use of sophisticated weapons against Americans, and the government's increasing tendency to employ military personnel domestically have largely watered down historic prohibitions such as the Posse Policing Act.
However, over the past 240 years, that constitutional republic has transformed into a military dictatorship masquerading as a democracy.
Unfortunately, most Americans seem relatively comfortable with the fact that our constitutional republic is morphing into a military dictatorship masquerading as democracy.
All the seeds of chaos sown in recent years are part of the Deep State's plan to introduce martial law.
Take a look at the Department of Defense training video “Megacities: The Future of Cities, New Complexities,” created by the Army for U.S. Special Operations Command.
This training video is only 5 minutes long, but it says a lot about how governments think, how they view their citizens, and the so-called “problems” that governments must be prepared to address in the near future through the use of technology. . Martial law.
But even more problematic is that this military video says nothing about the constitution, the rights of citizens, or the dangers of locking down a country and using the military to deal with political and social problems.
The training video predicts that all hell will break loose by 2030, but the future is here sooner than expected.
We are already witnessing the collapse of society on almost every front.
danger signs shouting a message
Governments expect trouble (pronounced “civil war”), which is the norm for anything that challenges government authority, wealth, and power.
The U.S. government is preparing its military to solve future domestic political and social problems, according to a Department of Defense training video produced by the Army for U.S. special operations forces.
What they are really talking about is martial law, packaged as a well-intentioned overriding concern for national security.
The horrifying five-minute training video, obtained by The Intercept through a FOIA request and published online, gives an eerie look at the future the military is preparing for, plagued by “criminal networks,” and “substandard infrastructure.” I'm drawing a picture. We must protect wealthy economic elites from “religious and ethnic tensions,” “poverty, slums,” “landfills, overburdened sewers,” “mass unemployment,” and the poverty of the have-nots. cityscape. .
And then comes the kicker.
Three and a half minutes into the Pentagon's dystopian training video, a narrator's eerie voice speaks of the need to “drain the swamp.”
Now the government has adopted its own plan for swamp drainage, using the military to drain “non-combatants” from the swamps of America's futuristic cities and draw remaining adversaries into violent domestic conflicts. All I want is that.
And who are non-combatants, the military term for civilians not engaged in combat?
The Pentagon says they are “adversaries.”
They are “threats”.
They are “enemies”.
They are people who do not support the government.
Just to be clear, when I say “government” I don't mean the highly partisan two-party bureaucracy of Republicans and Democrats.
I am referring to “governments” with a capital “G,” i.e., entrenched, unaffected by elections, unchangeable by populist movements, and placing themselves beyond the reach of the law. It's about the deep state.
Please be careful. In the future envisioned by the government, we will no longer be considered Republicans or Democrats. Rather, “we the people'' become the enemy of the state.
As my book Battlefield America: The War Against the American People and its fictional work The Eric Blair Diaries make clear, we are already enemies of the state.
It's time to wake up and stop being fooled by deep state propaganda.
About John and Nisha Whitehead:
Constitutional lawyer and author John W. Whitehead is the founder and director of the Rutherford Institute. His most recent books, The Erik Blair Diaries and Battlefield America: The War on the American People, are available at www.amazon.com. Whitehead can be reached at (email protected). Nisha Whitehead is Executive Director of the Rutherford Institute. Information about the Rutherford Institute can be found at www.rutherford.org.