Frustrated by the climate realists' arguments being too illogical, German national broadcaster SWR (Südwestrundfunk) has come up with a virtual reality video game in which players can shoot them with a laser gun. Green Guardians VR is due to be publicly released this fall.
Green Guardians VR
In the game, young people are invited to “learn about the wonders of fossil fuels” by an unscrupulous corporation called the “Environment Venture Income League,” or “EVIL.” The corporation's logo spells out the word “evil” in big block letters, with the “i” acting as a chimney belching out colorful smoke.
If this sounds like a parody of the climate change movement, it's not: GreenGuardiansVR will debut at Gamescom, the video game fair in Cologne this fall, and the game is aimed at 14-25 year olds.
Tim Phillips, project manager at SWR Innovation Labs, explained the motivation for creating the violent game in a press release:
We have found that Gen Z is primarily attracted to entertainment content. 14-25 year olds want to have something to do, and they want to engage and socialize in groups.
“Things that need to be done,” like killing people who disagree with the climate apocalypse.
Of course, climate fanatics are free to do whatever nonsense they want, but what's disturbing about this game is that it's funded by SWR, a German state-owned company, as if the German government is trying to get kids to believe that fossil fuel producers and the people who use their products are evil.
As science writer Joe Nova points out:
If any nation were trying to destroy Germany, to poison its young people, to teach them to hate the energies that bring them wealth and freedom, no one could do it better than the German Government.
Criticizing fossil fuels
The game's trailer features an anonymous fossil fuel villain delivering a vile explanation:
Climate, weather and disasters: Are gloomy predictions clouding your outlook for the future? Don't be discouraged! We at the Environment Venture Income League will show you that everything would be wonderful if we did nothing about climate change. Upload your brain into the future and see for yourself how wonderful life would be. We will upload you into one of our brand new stainless steel robotic bodies. Take a tour of the beautiful Lake Constance and learn about the wonders of fossil fuels!
The scenes depict robots (as human brains have been uploaded into robots) riding on trains in the future. One shows the robots playing a whack-a-mole-like game, except instead of moles, the robots are hitting wind turbines.
A poster for the evil corporation “EVIL” appears: “Fossil fuels are the future. We are doing everything in our power to keep humanity dependent on fossil fuels to keep the Earth a warm, comfortable place that benefits future generations. Your evil corporation: Where the future burns!”
Suddenly, a female eco-warrior appears on screen. She hacks into EVIL's presentation and declares, “Don't get caught out! Join the Green Guardians! Save the future!”
Viewers of the video are then urged to grab those aforementioned laser guns and do everything in their power to “defeat the disinformation” by blasting flying climate change deniers.
Nothing New
The idea of killing climate deniers is not new to the climate warning movement: killing or imprisoning such people has long been a fantasy for climateists.
Consider “Kill Climate Deniers,” a play written by Australian playwright David Finnigan, made possible thanks to a $19,000 grant from the Australian government. Finnigan denies that the play is in any way a call for violence against people who don't accept the idea that humanity will be doomed by greenhouse gases, but the play's title is a bit hard to ignore.
Or remember the UK's 10:10 campaign? Advertisements asked consumers to reduce their carbon footprint by 10 percent. Those who refused were literally blown up in some pretty graphic ways.
It is much easier for climateists to simply get rid of such people than to refute their arguments and provide a rational case for global socialism, which is what the climate alarmism movement really wants.